Teacher spotlight - Hilary Chmilar, making Pilates your career & lifestyle.


How would your best friend describe you?

Hmm, hopefully she would say that I’m a loyal friend who is always ready for some fun with the bellyache laughs.

How do you fit Pilates equipment into your living space?

I’ve been fortunate to have full access to our fantastic Ranelagh studio, thanks Vlada, which has every piece of apparatus I could wish for.  However, once lockdown hit and I couldn’t get to the studio as often, I realized I needed to invest in some equipment. 

With a husband and 2 teenagers in my house, space was limited, therefore, small but effective equipment was required.  Step forward the Wunda Chair, which Joe Pilates created for New Yorkers living in small apartments. He cunningly designed it so when you have finished your workout, you turn it upside down and hey presto….it’s an armchair.  Hence Wunda was the ideal choice for me.


I also have my beloved Spine Corrector which is amazing to stretch out the spine after a long day.   In addition to the above bigger pieces, I have a few other small ones - a foldable mat, a magic circle and a toe corrector.

With no spare rooms in our house, I keep my equipment in my bedroom - my husband is very accommodating!  My foldable Pilates mat hides behind my wardrobe very nifty. My spine corrector is hung on the wall, like a piece of art - I like to think. the Wunda chair is used as Joe intended - as an extra chair to sit on.

How did you choose a career in Pilates?

I have always enjoyed regular exercise, walking and cycling, but never really found ‘my’ form of exercise.  I tried everything: going to the gym; running; TRX classes; Step Aerobics, remember that? Basically I would try any new fad. Having suffered with knee and lower back pain on and off for years, I realized I needed something more sustainable. About 10 years ago, I went to my first Pilates class with a friend in the local hall and I - LOVED IT!  A  few years later, I discovered the Classical Method and it all made sense, I was totally hooked.

My passion for Pilates grew and grew, I flirted with the idea of becoming a teacher, but kept coming up with reasons why I couldn’t.  Then one day in my annual review at work, my boss asked where I wanted to be in 5 years, I answered: ‘Teaching Pilates’.

Having worked in the technology sector for a long time I realized that it was time for a change.  I started my teacher training, left my job and changed my career.  It is the best decision I ever made, I absolutely love my job, get excited by it every day and I get to meet a lot of great people through Pilates.

Now all I need is for lockdowns to end so that the studio can reopen as soon as possible!

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